martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

general objetive

this idea very nomportante peresio that the internet has many programos bad as the porn videos porn games . we choes this idea with the goal that all children because this questions seemens very economical and easy todo methodological famework


william -santiago
We empesamos doing what is the part of the table we took(caught) a pequena table divided(departed) it then well placed the legs wing table and then despues enpesamos with what is the computer that bamos to haser of cardboard colbon vinilos and hasi bamos hasiendo what is the USB the printer and the alarm.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

methodological framework

we use the internet to interview people from the wing blogger also chat to communicate with the people they care about this issue and cheese espesial care about what they see the children concerned are young children because it gives us this question: What good things and that the Internet brings bad things to youth. Grasias this question we want to know if the internet is productive of aora youth and the youth would cause in the future and what you gain

justificacion en ingles


We justify that this project can realize since it seems to us that this question can coloborar much, for us the pupils of the educational institution industrial technician Simona Duque

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

preguntas en ingles

1.que sew good and that you sew bad brings the Intern.
2.for that there are so much garbages in Marinilla's streeMarinilla3. Which is the motive of so many auditory pollution in some Marinilla's sectors.
4. Who is the motibo of so many stray dogs in Marinilla.
5. Which is the motive of so many prostitution in Marinilla .
6 .for which there are so much garbages in the shores in the gully the Marinilla.
7. Which is the reason that the gully the Marinilla exceeds .
8. For that Marinilla's manjoles there are some of them that taquean.
9. To that there devote themselves the young men who go out of the degree 11.
10. That the drivers do when the drivers for accident kill a stray dog .
11. That this seizing the municipal administration to diminish the problem of the dogs.
12.quehace the company of bathroom to separate the residues .
13. That it(he,she) does inderma in order that the children empiesen when sport practises .
14. That does the mayoralty head of household(head of the family) to help the mothers not to have emmpleo .
15. That so much the young men represent to the juvenile groups that there are .
16.que campaigns is in the colleges in order that the pupils do not enter the drugs .
17. For that the company of bathroom does not gather any garbages that the users extract .
18. That so much to served the law that cannot exist minors after .
19 after 11:00pm. That so many families possess own(proper) house in Marinilla.
20. All the sports it has Inderma.
21. Those who are the managers of the streets arrange in poor condition.
22. Those who are the managers of the guardderias visit and to question.
23. That persons' quantity have the gas for ret.
24. For that if the persons are flooded sigen throwing(shooting) garbages to the gully.
25. For that the campaigns of bathroom in Mariilla are not sufficient .
26. Since(as,like) a campaign does for a river mas cleanly .
27. The recreative vaccines are free or have algun cost.

diseño de como esta el artefacto